decimal places in a string

32 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a very lengthy string (part is shown below) that has 4 columns, and I want all of the numbers to have 9 decimal places.
"empty" "empty" "empty" "empty"
"43.0842" "40.8172" "0.75196" "0.71239"
"43.0906" "40.81" "0.75207" "0.71227"
"empty" "empty" "empty" "empty"
"37.3686" "70.4119" "0.65221" "1.2289"
"empty" "empty" "empty" "empty"
"37.0861" "70.8389" "0.64727" "1.2364"


Star Strider
Star Strider 2019-3-1
Your numbers likely retain thier full internal precision, so specify the output format as something like this:
strmtx = compose("%.9f", rand(6,4));
Make appropriate changes to work with your matrix.

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