how to crop an image equally

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i want to divide this picture equally from the centre of the optic disc on a angle of 30 degree. but i dont no how to dvide it. I need a algorithm for this. i am sharing an demo image.. i have to crop thi im592 image in demo type image
i want crop this image in patches so that i can extraxct its feature


KSSV 2019-3-5
I = imread('Im592.jpg') ;
[ny,nx,nz] = size(I) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:nx,1:ny) ;
C = round([nx/2 ny/2]) ; % center
R = abs(min(C)-min(nx,ny)) ;
% circle
th = linspace(0,pi/2) ;
x = C(1)+R*cos(th) ;
y = C(2)+R*sin(th) ;
hold on
% Get inside part / crop
xp = [0 x 0] ; yp = [0 y 0] ;
idx = inpolygon(X(:),Y(:),xp,yp) ;
for i = 1:3
T = I(:,:,i) ;
T(~idx) = 255 ;
I(:,:,i) = T ;
  6 个评论
Ruksana siddique
Ruksana siddique 2019-3-7
can i again show the picture.. how to cut the whole image sir
Ruksana siddique
Ruksana siddique 2019-3-7
Sir there is an attachment so that you understand better..


更多回答(1 个)

Ruksana siddique
Ruksana siddique 2019-3-8
sir the program you send me. . in this the image is cut out at 30 degree
do you help me how will I crop the image from it's center


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