how to place a legend in best corner?

71 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there a way to place legend in the best corner of subplot. I do not like it when the legend is in middle of whitespace.


dpb 2019-3-6
编辑:dpb 2019-3-7
Give this a try as a first cut...written for a one-line plot as is and takes the legend, axis handles.
Generalized, it could handle simply a figure handle and find the axes and legend from it and retrieve all the X,YData.
But, illustrates the logic idea of above; seemed to work here for a test case where drew the legend on a line and then moved the legend to not clash, but that's the extent of testing.
function flag=legendclash(hAx,hLg,x,y)
% Returns T if data in line x,y cross legend box in axes hAx
AxPosn=hAx.Position; % get axis position vector
Axbot=AxPosn(2); Axtop=Axbot+AxPosn(4); % compute bounding box
Axlft=AxPosn(1); Axrgt=Axlft+AxPosn(3); % dimensions for axis
LgPosn=hLg.Position; % and same for the legend
LGbot=LgPosn(2); LGtop=LGbot+LgPosn(4);
LGlft=LgPosn(1); LGrgt=LGlft+LgPosn(3);
if strfind(hAx.YDir,'normal')
yscaled=interp1(hAx.YLim,[Axbot Axtop],y); % compute scaled plotted values
yscaled=interp1(hAx.YLim,[Axtop Axbot],y); % compute scaled plotted values
if strfind(hAx.XDir,'normal')
xscaled=interp1(hAx.xlim,[Axlft Axrgt],x); % in the axis bounding box
xscaled=interp1(hAx.xlim,[Axrgt Axlft],x); % in the axis bounding box
% test if data intersects inside the legend bounding box
flag=any(iswithin(yscaled(:),LGbot,LGtop) & iswithin(xscaled(:),LGlft,LGrgt));
iswithin is my oft-used utlity function that is just "syntax sugar" but makes for simpler high-level code...
function flg=iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for values within range of input
% [log] = iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for x between lo and hi values, inclusive
flg= (x>=lo) & (x<=hi);
Corrected swapped indices in axis position calculation and inserted missing function keyword
Added logic to handle reversed axes
  12 个评论
meghannmarie 2019-3-7
Just updated my code and ready to run it on big dataset!
lgd = gobjects(4,1);
for sp = 1:length(subplots)
gdem = plot(means{sp},gdem_depths,'-r','Parent',subplots(sp),'LineWidth',2);
lgd(sp) = legend([obs(sp) gdem std],'MOODS','GDEM','95% of time');
count = 1; loc = {'northeast', 'southeast','northwest','southwest','best'};
flag = true;
while flag && count <= numel(loc)
set(lgd(sp),'Location', loc{count});
flag = legendclash(subplots(sp),lgd(sp));
count = count + 1;
end %while flag && count <= numel(loc)
end %for sp = 1:length(subplots)


更多回答(1 个)

dpb 2019-3-6
ML tries to avoid the most data it can if it can find a location that the legend doesn't occlude anything.
It generally is "ok", but may not be what one might choose visually; the logic certainly isn't perfect.
Other than that, it's "pick a spot and go!" in that all other named choices are fixed locations relative to the axes or you set the actual position yourself programmatically (and then the "best" logic reverts to your own devices so you can test your skills against those of TMW :) )..
  2 个评论
meghannmarie 2019-3-6
编辑:meghannmarie 2019-3-6
I am using best right now, but I want the legend in the corner.
What I need to do is place the legend in a fixed corner and check for conficts with data. If there is a conflict, then move to next corner. If conflicts with all four corners, then use 'best'.
I cannot figure out how to check for the conficts with the plotted lines and the legend in the subplots.
I am about to plot 1000+ graphics, so it would be nice to get this to work. Picking a spot manually is out of the question.
dpb 2019-3-6
I know of no builtin functionality, sorry.
Best I can think of is that you can retrieve the position of the legend where you choose to put it. Those are, by default, normalized dimensions within the axes object.
Then you would have to scale the plotted data to the same set of normalized position values of the axis and check if there is an intersection of values of the x,y normalized data within that area of the legend.
I have meetings in town here shortly so don't have time to try to see if can think of just what such code would look like at the moment, but I think that's the general idea.
I don't know if you can see the internals of the legend function any more or not; seems like TMW has made it almost totally opaque now so you may not be able to go look at what code for collision avoidance is inside it any longer.
Probably at least worth of a look to see if you can find anything on the FEX that somebody else may have already done...



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