- Engineering Optimization- Theory and Practice 4th Edition by Singiresu Rao
- Optimization Concepts and its Applications in Engineering 2nd Edition - Belegundu and Chandruptla
- In order to actually understand the theory behind optimization methods, I preferred Engineering Optimization by Rao because it was discussed with easy-to-understand terminology.
- The appeal of Optimization Concepts and its Applications in Engineering by Belegundu is that they provide a CD of optimization codes which can be utilized for your own applications in Fortran, Excel, and Matlab. The book provided a decent discussion on the theory of the optimization methods. With that said, there was still a good sum of editing issues in Edition 2. The discussion requires knowledge of advanced mathematics. Still, it covers new approaches not discussed in most texts floating around. Unique to other books in its classification, the final chapter in the book includes a discussion on optimization algorithms paralleled with finite element analysis algorithms--of course, with codes provides.