Voltage Measurement block: "do not delete this again". What is the story behind this?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I was (as usual) creating some simulation on Simulink, and I noticed that the "Voltage Measurement" block had something wierd on it. I zoomed in, and found this:
There is a block called ''do not delete this again" inside it. My friends and I found this hilarious. We usually write this on our simulations/codes to prevent each other from doing something wrong again, after messing up the same thing several times.
Please, I just want to make clear that I am not disrespecting or mocking any Mathworks employee. We found this hilarious because Mathworks is doing something that we usually do during our projects... and it is kinda fun to see one of the most important softwares in the world doing something that we do between friends.
Does anyone knows the story behind the "do not delete this again" block? We are curious...
Best regards,


James Tursa
James Tursa 2019-3-8
编辑:James Tursa 2019-3-8
Do not delete this "gain" ... not "again"
P.S. Mathworks employees do have a sense of humor ... just not for this particular case! E.g., see the output of the "spy" function with no input arguments on older versions of MATLAB.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-3-8
modeling an analog voltage measurement almost always involves a resistance, and gain blocks often are modeled as having a resistance. Without the resistance inside the gain block, a model of the current through the system can end up infinite.


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