Circle interpolation - compute values inside

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello gyus,
What is the best interpolation method for compute values inside circle? Is there a function that sums the circumference to center of gravity and divides by two and places it at half the distance and repeat that?
  4 个评论
Guillaume 2019-3-18
the values of what?
insert into what?
The centre of gravity (assuming you mean centroid) of a circle (or do you mean disk?) is the centre of the circle. It's unclear why you don't just say centre.
martin martin
martin martin 2019-3-18
编辑:martin martin 2019-3-18
In fact, I have electrodes around my torso and I'm trying to model the transversal section (colours map). Around the circle are values 1:100 (just representing some values)


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