Enter matrix as table format in editor?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
it is possible to enter a matrix like in the matlab editor
M=[ 1 200 56;
67 0 34;
9 1123 467];
in a kind of "table format" that does not loose its arragement of rows and colummns if I i.e. change the number of digits in one place?
Best regards, Tina
  2 个评论
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-3-25
please share a picture of your desired with the matrix M
Tina Gottwald
Tina Gottwald 2019-3-25
I can enter the matrix as shown above in "text format" in the Matlab editor.
If I then double click on M in the workspace, I get the "table format" shown in the lower half of the picture.
However, if I edit matrix M in the "table format", the change will be lost if I clear the workspace oder close matlab.
A change in the "text format" in the editor is permanent, as long as I save the file.
I would like to use the "table format" but still work the same as in the editor. Is this possible?
Best regards, Tina


回答(1 个)

If I undestand the question, are you looking for this one or mat file??
M=[ 1 200 56;
67 0 34;
9 1123 467]
Command Window:
M =
1 200 56
67 0 34
9 1123 467
  4 个评论
Tina Gottwald
Tina Gottwald 2019-3-25
编辑:Tina Gottwald 2019-3-25
this format would be the thing I need.
However, I do want to enter a certain matrix in the editor (m.file) permanently and save it, not just enter it in the workspace.
Best regards, Tina
编辑:KALYAN ACHARJYA 2019-3-25
Hello @Tina
Matrices or vectors are stored in that similliar way. All variables use in script are reflected in workspace, just double click on the variable in workspace you will get the sheet.
All vectors are reflected in the same way internally.
If you want to read/write excel sheet, you can look here or xlsread function.
Hope it Helps!


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