It simplifies things if you use a doubke quote (") instead of two single qotes ('') to denote seconds. I enclose the modified input as the attached file "jeffries.txt". The foillowing code will then do the job:
fid = fopen('jeffries.txt');
c = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n');
c = c{1};
A = zeros(4,3);
for i = 1:length(c)
s = c{i};
deg = strfind(s,'°');
min = strfind(s,'''');
sec = strfind(s,'"');
A(i,1) = str2num(s(1:deg-1));
A(i,2) = str2num(s(deg+1:min-1));
A(i,3) = str2num(s(min+1:sec-1));