how to use augmentedImageDatastore for validation

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there a way to use augmentedImageDatastore (in my case augimds30) for validation?
for e.x. I split dataset in 70 by 30 percent, and I augment like this:
augimds30 = augmentedImageDatastore([50 50 3],imds30)
but then how to use this here for validation instead of imds30?
YPred = classify(net,imds30);
YValidation = imds30.Labels;
because if I put here augimds30 I get :
No appropriate method, property, or field 'Labels' for class 'augmentedImageDatastore'.
Error in cnn (line 50)
YValidation = augimds30.Labels;
  1 个评论
0xJcam 2020-11-29
Hello Sr.
I already had the same question and digging on internet I found following answer...
It is not posible cause the name-value pair 'ValidationData' can support only the following types as a value:
  1. Image Data Store.
  2. Data Store.
  3. Table.
  4. Cell array of X and Y, where X represents data while Y represents corresponding labels.
Hope this can be helpful to someone.


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