Why dir function is creating additional files while creating a structure? how to ignore it?

23 次查看(过去 30 天)
Im trying to make a loop that reading all the files in a choosen folder, I use the dir function to make list of the names of the files and to iterate this list:
files = dir('folder');
for k =1:length(files)
I = imread(files(k).name);
But there is always an error:
Error using imread (line 347)
Cannot open file "." for reading. You might not have read permission.
When I open my structure named "files" there is 2 new rows that the dir function creates in addition to all the other files in that structure:
the first file named '.' and the second '..', those files not exist in the original folder, what to do to erase them or ignore them permanently?


Catalytic 2019-3-27
编辑:Catalytic 2019-3-27
Do a more specific search, like
files = dir('folder/*.jpg');
Or, just throw the first 2 away
files = dir('folder');
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2019-3-27
编辑:Stephen23 2019-3-28
"Or, just throw the first 2 away"
Do NOT do this. The files/folders are those returned by the OS, and the presence or specific location of . and .. is not guaranteed. This has been discussed many times on this forum. It is also easy to demonstrate: simply create some files with names starting with ! or ' (both perfectly valid characters for filenames on both Windows and Unix, and which sort before the . character), and you will see that . and .. are NOT the first names returned by dir:
>> mkdir('subdir')
>> fclose(fopen('subdir/!test.txt','wt'));
>> fclose(fopen('subdir/''test.txt','wt'));
>> fclose(fopen('subdir/_test.txt','wt'));
>> S = dir('subdir');
>> {S.name}
ans =
'!test.txt' ''test.txt' '.' '..' '_test.txt'
To write robust code, simply use setdiff or ismember to select or remove names:
>> setdiff({S.name},{'.','..'})
ans =
'!test.txt' ''test.txt' '_test.txt'
Matt J
Matt J 2019-3-28
编辑:Matt J 2019-3-28
Or, similar to what Stephen suggests,
Names(Names=="." | Names=="..")=[];
for I =1:numel(Names)
I = imread(Names{i});


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019-3-28
If you're calling imread on the output of dir, you probably want to first check that the entry you're trying to read isn't a directory. You can do this all at once using the isdir field of the struct array returned by dir.
D = dir();
numberOfEntriesPreTrim = numel(D);
D = D(~[D.isdir]);
numberOfEntriesPostTrim = numel(D);
numberOfDirectories = numberOfEntriesPreTrim-numberOfEntriesPostTrim;
for whichfile = 1:numberOfEntriesPostTrim
fprintf('File %d is %s.\n', whichfile, D(whichfile).name)
fprintf('Printed %d of %d entries in pwd (%d are directories.)\n', ...
numberOfEntriesPostTrim, numberOfEntriesPreTrim, numberOfDirectories);
Note that '.' and '..' are not printed by the fprintf statement. They were trimmed because they're directories, but they still count for the last fprintf statement.
I needed to wrap D.isdir in square brackets because it creates a comma-separated list. The square brackets concatenates all the elements of that list into a vector.
As for what . and .. are, on the operating systems on which MATLAB is currently supported they are the current directory and the parent directory, respectively.


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