Imagesc change "background" color

31 次查看(过去 30 天)
martin martin
martin martin 2019-3-30
回答: DGM 2023-8-24
Hello guys,
I have a simple question, how can I set "background" color to white? Or how can I set a color of points with a specific value - for example all ones will be white.
Best regards
a = rand(50);
b = zeros(10,50);
c = [b; a; b];
colormap jet

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-3-30
Use a different colormap
cmap = jet(256);
% Make lowest one black
cmap(1,:) = 0;

DGM 2023-8-24
If you're using MIMT, this becomes simple. Just construct the image in whole and display it. Don't try to deal with conditionally colormapping different parts of an image.
% inputs
A = rand(50); % a 2D array on any arbitrary scale
padw = [10 0]; % [y x]
padcolor = [0.7 0 1]; % any I/IA/RGB/RGBA color tuple
CT = parula(256); % a colormap
% create pseudocolor image in RGB
outpict = gray2pcolor(A,CT,'cdscale'); % same quantization as imagesc()
% add custom colored border/padding
outpict = addborder(outpict,padw,padcolor);
% display it


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