save part of a stucture

24 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a matlab struct Data with these different fieldnames.Please how do I save just the fields (name, time and version) in both Data(1) and Data(2) without having to save all the struct. I tried
save('C:\danny\Pro', '-struct', 'Time','name','Version') % but it isnt working.
save('C:\danny\Pro', '-struct', 'Data', 'Time','name','Version')
Data(1).name = 'to be filled';
Data(1).Time = datestr(now);
Data(1).Project = 'LastProject.mat';
Data(1).SimulationParam = 2000;
Data(2).Version = 'Version 2.2';
Data(2).name = 'to be filled';
Data(2).Time = datestr(now);
Data(2).Project = 'LastProject.mat';
Data(2).SimulationParam = 2000;
Data(2).Version = 'Version 2.2';
save('C:\danny\Pro', '-struct', 'Data', 'Time','name','Version')


Guillaume 2019-4-1
编辑:Guillaume 2019-4-1
The -struct option of save saves each field of the structure as individual variables. Obviously for that to work the structure has to be scalar.
If you want to actually save the structure, then you don't want the struct option. To only save some fields, you'll have to either remove the unwanted fields or just copy the wanted fields into a new structure array. It's probably easier to remove the unwanted fields:
datatosave = rmfield(Data, setdiff(fieldnames(Data), {'Time', 'name', 'Version'})); %remove all fields but Time, name and Version
save('C:\danny\Pro', 'datatosave')

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