Error while using Stateflow

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Md. Injamam Ul Haque
回答: Ravi 2020-4-30
While I am using Stateflow to model a battery control circuit, a same error is being showed each time. The diagnostic viewer is showing, "The current directory 'c:\program files\matlab\r2016a\bin' is reserved for MATLAB files. Please change your current directory to a writeable directory outside of the MATLAB installation area." But the simulation is saved in d drive!! How should I solve this problem??Simulation & Diagnostic Viewer
  1 个评论
Arvind Sathyanarayanan
Could you please attach your model so we can try and replicate the issue?


回答(1 个)

Ravi 2020-4-30
Change your current directory otherthan 'c:\program files\matlab\r2016a\bin''.
For example your desktop location.
My current directory is >> 'D:\2015a\bin'
to change this directory >> cd('C:\Users\Ravi\Desktop')


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