max and min values in an array

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
thank you! Found the solution! Thank you!
  3 个评论
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-7
So as I understand you want to find the max value for each 16 rows ???
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-7
NO NO NO!!!!,Why did you delete all the contents of the question and the comments?, it's a terrible thing to do . Others may also benefit from the question.



madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-7
编辑:madhan ravi 2019-4-7
See if this does what you want , first we split into 16 separate rows each and then we conquer in the third dimension:
[m,n]=size(A); % where A is your matrix of size 256 X 40K
parts = 16;
AA = permute(reshape(A.',n,m/parts,[]),[2,1,3]);
Max = max(AA,[],[1,2]); % max(max(AA)) for versions <= 2016b
[r,~]=find(AA == Max) % r represents rows
  6 个评论
Anh Dao
Anh Dao 2019-4-7
Thank you, so I have a matrix A equal 256x40000
it was a mistake that I put in last time that i put parts = 15, sorry about that, so r should be correct right, what's the difference in the code you posted?
parts = 16;
AA = permute(reshape(DoM.',n,m/parts,[]),[2,1,3]);
Max = max(AA,[],[1,2]);
[r,~]=find(AA == Max)
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-7
[r,~]=find(AA == Max)
[r,c,p]=ind2sub(size(AA),find(AA==Max)) % r represents rows , c represents columns & p represents pages


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