figure text cut off when saved

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Nina 2012-8-7
I am annotating a figure with text. The .fig looks fine, but when I save it as a jpeg or png, the sigmas are partially cut off (righthand edge of both, though my other annotations are OK.
set(htext,'fontsize',20,'color',[0.42 0.42 0.42],'fontweight','bold');
set([htext2,htext3,htext4],'fontname','arial','fontsize',20,'color',[0.71 0.71 0.71],'fontweight','bold');
I have tried the following to fix the problem:
-Saved with command: print -dpng PDOcorr.png
-Saved from figure window using file-->saveas
-Used command set(gca, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'OuterPosition');
-Changed text location, size, and font
-used sprintf and also just used text('\sigma')
I cannot get my sigmas to appear in full in saved images! Please help! Also, I am working on a mac with R2012a. Have already dealt with a few matlab-mac bugs... wondering if figure text is another but cant find anything in bug reports.

回答(3 个)

Kim Shultz
Kim Shultz 2013-4-25
I have the same problem - it's not related to the length of the string (as far as I can tell) - the last part of a letter in all my axis labels and titles get cut off when saving. It's not a full solution, but if you add a couple spaces and then a period after the desired text, it generally fixes the issue. Doesn't seem to matter what file type you save as - I always use .png, but have tried .jpg too.

John Petersen
John Petersen 2012-8-8
Is it cutoff because the title is too long? If so, make your figure larger so that the title fits. Or change to a smaller font.
  2 个评论
Nina 2012-8-9
Thanks for the response, John. Unfortunately, its not the title, it is text within the figure placed using text(x,y,'string'). I can't figure out how to upload the figure here, but have it at: Quite the mystery with these sigmas!
John Petersen
John Petersen 2012-11-2
Try saving as a .emf file or other format. jpg is not a good format for graphs with lines and text.


Garrett Gross
Garrett Gross 2013-12-31
Same issue here, running R2012a. My title, legend and x-axis labeling are all cut by one character. I added a few spaces after the title and axis label but the legend was still cut. I put a period after the data label which worked but it didn't cut the period? weird.
i.e. title('Resultant Force ')
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-12-31
Like I told someone earlier today, try using a smaller font or adjusting the 'InnerPosition' property.



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