confusion in cat command

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ABTJ 2019-4-14
评论: ABTJ 2019-4-14
I am reading matlab online documentation for fliplr command and there and i came across a command 'cat'
It is used for concatenation.
First argument of cat command specifes dimension along which concatenation. example if first argument is 1 ,matrices are concatenaated along coulmns and if first argumetn is 2, matrices will be concatenated along rows. But what if first argument is 3 as in this scenario
I am confused how it is acting as shown in current scenario in attached photo. What will be contents of A ? and what is the meaning of highligted lines?


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-4-14
3 means the 2-D arrays are being stacked along the 3rd dimension. To visualize, imagine that the arrays are gray scale images in the x-y plane. Now you use cat() to stack them vertically along the third, Z, dimension. See image below, and attached demo script.
The 3-D image above would represent a color image.
Another case could be where you have lots of images, like slices from a CT or MRI scan. These images, stacked along the 3rd dimension would represent a volumetric images.
If the number were 4, then it could mean that you're stacking 3-D (color) images along the 4th dimension (representing time) to create a movie.
Does that explain it sufficiently to you?

更多回答(1 个)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-14
3 represents that the contents of A concatenated in 3rd dimension hence creating a 3D matrix.
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2019-4-14
编辑:Stephen23 2019-4-14
And multi-dimensional arrays are NOT just limited to 3D arrays!
To learn more about multi-dimensional arrays read the MATLAB documentation:
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-4-14
Indeed, thank you Stephen.



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