fitting implicit functions with NLINFIT

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there any way to use implicit functions when fitting them to data with NLINFIT? Details: I need to fit a model to some data with NLINFIT. The problem is that the model to fit is an implicit function, like this:
y= x*(1-exp(a*(h*y-T)))
('x' is the independent variable, 'a' and 'h' are the parameters to be calculated and 'T' is a constant). How can I write a function that returns 'y' when it depends on the values of 'y' itself? I saw a (could-be) solution involving FSOLVE, but I don't have the corresponding toolbox.
Just in case, this comes from integrating (for 't' between 0 and T) the ODE:
dN/dt= a*N /(1+ a*h*N)
given that:
y= N(0)-N(T)
Thanks for any suggestions


Tom Lane
Tom Lane 2012-8-10
NLINFIT wants a response vector Y and a function with unknown parameters. You could try supplying the response vector
Y = zeros(size(y))
and the function
(-y) + x*(1-exp(a*(h*y-T)))
and see if that works. I'd expect it to work. You'd pack x and y together as columns in your X matrix, and unpack them to compute the function value.
  2 个评论
Francisco de Castro
Thanks Tom, Your suggestion seemed to actually work... however I can't be sure if the solution is 'reasonable' because I get a negative estimate for one of the parameters (which makes no sense). I didn't see any way option to constrain the parameter in NLINFIT. Is there any?
Star Strider
Star Strider 2012-8-13
编辑:Star Strider 2012-8-13
The nlinfit function does not allow parameter constraints. Use lsqcurvefit if you need to do that.


更多回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2012-8-10
When I integrate to get N(t) as:
n = dsolve( diff(N) == a*N / (1 + a*h*N), 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true )
in the Symbolic Math Toolbox, the solution is:
N(t) = [0; lambertw(0, a*h*exp(C3 + a*t))/(a*h)]
and then when I have it create an implicit function for the solution, produces:
Nt = @(C3,a,h,t)[0.0; lambertw(0,a.*h.*exp(C3+a.*t))./(a.*h)];
adding N(0) = N0 as an initial condition:
n = dsolve( diff(N) == a*N / (1 + a*h*N), N(0) == N0, 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true )
and integrating yields:
N(t) = lambertw(0, N0*a*h*exp(a*t)*exp(N0*a*h))/(a*h)
and as an anonymous function:
Nt0 = @(N0,a,h,t) lambertw(0,N0.*a.*h.*exp(a.*t).*exp(N0.*a.*h))./(a.*h);
The lambertw function exists in MATLAB (although I admit I've not heard of it until now).
You need to combine parameters N0, a, and h into one vector for curve-fitting purposes in nlinfit or lsqcurvefit. (I do not have the Curve Fitting Toolbox, and use the Statistics and Optimization Toolboxes functions.)
This at least solves your problem of having y on both sides of the equation you want to fit.


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