Cosimulation Simplorer Simulink: Simulink stuck in initializing mode

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear community,
I am currently using Matlab/Ansys to do a cosimulation between Simulink and simplorer. I succeeded to link the two software and so to get the modulation from Simulink to simplorer, and make my circuit works. However, I have now a problem in Simulink. When I launch Simulink, it launches so the simplorer model associated (thanks to a S-function), however, Simulink is stuck in "initializing mode", while simplorer is running (without the data from simulink). Do you have an idea of how to figure it out ?
Thank you in advance,

回答(1 个)

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2019-4-20
The most effective way to debug S-Function issues is to use a C code debugger to debug the S-Function as it is running in Simulink.


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