Why using actxserver will turn my file to read-only

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Hey guys,
Read-only error been showed while I was trying to movefile, but the new directories is either my Downloads folder or my Desktop folder.
Here is what I did:
I first loaded the Excel file that I'd like to modify, and then turn on the actxserver('Excel.Application'), and then apply action for that pre-loaded excel file.
But I got error while I was trying to movefile(oldfilePath, newfilePath): "Use the 'f' option to override". This error does not make sense since neither the new location I have selected shall not be read-only space,nor there is no duplicate file existed in that directory.
I think somehow there is a delay happened between Excel and MATLAB, in another word, I feel the modifies Excel file was not saved successfully.
Does anyone has ever met this problem before?
  6 个评论
Guillaume 2019-5-2
Kat Lee's comment mistakenly posted as an Answer moved here
Here is the code:
funtion exportExcelFile(fullFileName, templateExcel,funcPath)
[filePath,fileName] = fileparts(fullFileName);
sheet = 1;
ext = '.xlsx';
% Copy template
copyFullFile = fullfile(funcPath,[fileName ext]);
% Store Row Names
cRowNames = templateExcel.Properties.RowNames;
% Store Table Contents
cData = table2cell(targetTable);
% Open Excel as a COM Automation server
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Open Excel workbook
Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(copyFullFile);
% Clear empty contents/format
% Now save/close/quit/delete
invoke(Excel, 'Quit');
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FINAL STEP: moveFile%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Move to Specified Path
moveFullFile = fullfile(filePath,[fileName ext]);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-5-2
Why not use a SaveAs instead of a Save, placing the file directly in the desired location ?
It is possible (and likely) that the Excel Quit process is done asynchronously and takes time.


回答(1 个)

Guillaume 2019-5-2
编辑:Guillaume 2019-5-2
The line
cRowNames = templateExcel.Properties.RowNames;
would imply that templateExcel is a matlab table. Yet on the previous line, you have:
which, if templateExcel is indeed a table is meaningless.
Later on in your code, you use the variable targetTable which is undefined. So this will also cause an error. I suspect that that targetTable is meant to be templateExcel but it's hard to know since the code is not commented.
Note that it's much easier to write a table to an excel file directly with writetable rather than converting to a cell array and then using xlswrite.
Later on you use the variable sExcelClearRange which is also undefined. In any case, relying on the ActiveSheet being the correct sheet after you've just opened the file in excel is very iffy. You may very well clear a different sheet than intended.
is not valid. I suspect you meant
which could be combined with the previous Workbook.Save line to just:
workbook.Close(true); %true to save and close the file all at once.
invoke(Excel, 'Quit');
is simply
  2 个评论
Kat Lee
Kat Lee 2019-5-2
Thanks for pointing out, I have changed some variable names inside the copied code.
I think I have figured out the root causing this problem, it's caused by how MATLAB communicate with Microsoft. If you guys look at the directory I am trying to save my file into, they are "Downloads" and "Desktop", they are the directories that protected by Microsoft.
This is a problem that MathWorks faculties shall be able to answer when they added actxserver this command into MATLAB
Thanks for everybody's help
Guillaume 2019-5-3
actxserver is in some way very simple. It just connects you to a COM process (in this case, Excel). All the clever stuff is implemented in Windows directly and the only thing matlab does is relay your instructions to Windows. So, if there is a problem it's nothing that matlab can do anything about. In this particular case, the problem would be with Excel.
However, I'm not convinced at all that you've found the problem. There is nothing special about the Download and Desktop directories. Windows does not put any extra protection on them. You may get extra protections on some files downloaded from the internet but that's independent of where they reside.
If the code you've posted is not the code you're using, that makes it difficult to identify problems, so please post the exact code you're using.


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