Hi, here's the operation I want to do
1. the following operations:
c=[ones(10,1)*80.5 ones(10,1)*89.27];
result(~(A-c>=0)) = 0
2. the following optimization (wich i don't know how to do exept with a looop but I want something faster and more straight forward)
I want to do the sum of the variable"results" and get the maximum.In this case the result would be in the form of: 1x2
So clearly I want to find the "c" that maximise "result2":
(in the previous example the "c" were 80.5 and 89.27
So the point is when we do
result(~(A-c>=0)) = 0
Some "A-B" yield a negative results so I want to find the c that
optimize positively. Let's set the "c" as c1 and c2
the final optization is going to be in the following dimesnion:
c=[ones(4,1)*c1 ones(4,1)*c2];
Thank you in advance