Should I delete previous versions of MATLAB before installing MATLAB 2012a on a iMac?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to install MATLAB 2012a on an iMac with MATLAB 2009a which uses X11. As the new MATLAB release do not use X11, should I remove the old version before installing the new one?


Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer 2012-8-17
编辑:Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer 2012-8-17
Thanks for asking. No, don't remove the old version before you install the new version. When you install the new version, the installer creates a separate installation directory, leaving the old version intact. Here is some more information on the topic:
  2 个评论
BCP 2020-4-15
You are right. Both the versions occupy enormous Space. I found no documentation so far which explains about the dependecies on each other. Speaking from my past experience with Mathworks Products, I guess its safe and Okay to uninstall the older release and install the new release.
However they say it's not necessary on their website.


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