Issue description:
I converted a large amount of files into .mat files and create datastore and tallArray to make some plots. What I would like to do is to create a tallArray and trim the data to only have the rows and columns that I need and plot them.
Matlab script
clear all;
fileToPlot = '12C_011_Matfiles';
parentpath = 'You can just put a directoray here to /12C Mat files/';
ds = datastore(strcat(parentpath, fileToPlot));
tallArray = tall(ds);
tt.Cycles = gather([tallArray.State{:}] == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Cyc_);
tt.DchAh = gather([tallArray.State{:}] == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Amp_hr);
figure (1)
Indexing expressions of the form T{...,...} are not supported for tall arrays.
when I changed the code from
tt.Cycles = gather([tallArray.State{:}] == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Cyc_);
tt.Cycles = gather(tallArray.State(:) == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Cyc_);
I got new errors below:
Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in ==
Error in CL_plots_NJ (line 9)
tt.Cycles = gather(tallArray.State(:) == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Cyc_);
Error in tall/gather (line 50)
[varargout{:}, readFailureSummary] = iGather(varargin{:});
Error in CL_plots_NJ (line 9)
tt.Cycles = gather(tallArray.State(:) == 'D' & tallArray.ES>1, tallArray.Cyc_);