Idea :
- Version 7.3 MAT-files are HDF5-files.
- Matlab has functions to read HDF5-files, Importing HDF5 Files.
- The tricky part is to find the metadata for the dataset of interest. I find HDFView useful to explore hdf-files.
- The hdf-forum is helpful, but requires that one has done the homework before asking.
I didn't say this is simple. IMO: The format of the v7.3 MAT-file is complicated. I don't know how timeseries are stored. However, I have (years ago) made successful experiments reading datasets from v7.3 mat-files with Matlabs HDF-functions.
[...] MAT 7.3 format is a complete redesign, and is not publicly documented. What is documented is that it is a variation on HDF5, and that HDF5 tools can be used to explore parts of it. MAT 7.3 is the first version that can save objects larger than 2.0 Gb.