How to fill a 3D logical matrix by a series of point coordinates?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to develop an algorithm inwhich I need to demonstrate a 3D area by a logical matrix (1 inside a surface, 0 outside). I have a surface shown as a series of points which are floating point coordinates. How can I fill in a shape inside a logical 3D matrix annotated by this surface?

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2019-5-27
Multiple ways:
  1. Use inpolygon, get indices, fill the logicals.
  2. Use ineqalities and get logicals straight away.
  2 个评论
Mohammad 2019-5-27
I have a 3d array of floating positions. How can I fill by logical operations while positions are not inside a single layer?!



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