S-function sampling time, is it possible to use several sampling time ?

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Hi all,
I'm working with a C S-function. I want to call two different function at fixe frequenties. One every 125.06 µs and one at 250µs.
I have tried setting several sampling times :
ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0);
ssSetSampleTime(S, 1 , 0.00012506 );
ssSetOffsetTime(S, 1 , 0.0);
ssSetSampleTime(S, 2 , 0.000250);
ssSetOffsetTime(S, 2 , 0.0);
And to call the functions I've been using:
if (ssIsSampleHit(S , 1, tid ))
if (ssIsSampleHit(S , 2, tid ))
But this does work at all, has someone got any idea how I can do ? The ssIsSampleHit doesn't seen to detect the right times.
Thank you,


Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-8-29
I don't have much experience with multi-rate S-functions, but I thought I would recommend that you look at the demo sfcndemo_sfun_multirate.mdl. Just type the model name at the MATLAB prompt to open it up:
>> sfcndemo_sfun_multirate
Hopefully the example will give you some tips about how to use ssIsSampleHit.

更多回答(1 个)

George 2012-8-29
Thank you. My example ahead dose actually work.


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