2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi guys,
I am trying to understand the prach detection code from the lte toolbox.
I am unable to crack the meaning of this.
% The following parameter specifies the fraction of the timing window at
% the end of the timing window for one preamble that will be considered
% as belonging to the next preamble and having a timing offset of zero.
% This effectively excludes timing offsets of above (1.0-deadzone) of the
% maximum and ensures detection of preambles with low timing offset where
% noise has caused the peak of the correlation to be slightly into the
% previous preamble's timing window. The value configured below corresponds
% to the duration of the main lobe of the autocorrelation of the PRACH.
% (zero is used for the case that NCS=0 as there is only one preamble
% per correlation.)
if (zcz~=0)
Could someone help or suggest me a good source that can explain this.
As of now, i am following lte: from theory to practice textbook in which i could not find about this
Any help is appreciated
  1 个评论
giancarlo maldonado cardenas
Hi Sriharsha Korada, I'm working on this too, and I finally understood what this part of the toolbox code means. you can contact me to be able to explain you better.


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