How to extract tevent from deval

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function main
tstart = 0.0;
tend = 100.0;
options = ddeset('Events',@events);
sol = dde23(@ddex1,2,[0.7],[tstart tend],options);
tint = linspace(tstart,tend,1000);
yint = deval(sol,tint);
tevent = ?? %this is what i want to calculate.
function dydt = ddex1(t,y,Z)
ylag = Z(:,1);
dydt = y*ylag*(1-y);
function [value,isterminal,direction] = events(t,y,Z)
value(1) = y(1)-0.99;
isterminal(1) = 0;
direction(1) = 1;
This is my code. but I first want to solve dde then want to evaluate the structure. Then i want to extract tevent from tint.

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