Ejay - see Scripts vs Functions to understand the differences between scripts (which you have written) and function (which you want to write). Since the first line of code (in the above) is neither a comment nor a function signature, then MATLAB assumes that you have written a script. You need to change your code so that the first line is the signature
function zc_idx = ZeroCrossing(t,emg6)
zci = @(v) find(v(:).*circshift(v(:), [-1 0]) <= 0);
zx = zci(emg6);
zc_idx = zeros(numel(zx),1); % initialise the zero crossing indices
for i = 1:numel(zx)
idx = max([1 zx(i)-1]):min([zx(i)+1 numel(emg6)]);
x_range = t(idx);
y_range = emg6(idx);
zc_idx(i) = interp1( y_range(:), x_range(:), 0, 'linear', 'extrap' ); % returns the approximate zero crossing Indices of argument vector
The code
samples=0:2186; %number of data points in matrix
t = samples/Fs; % Time Vector (seconds)
t(:,[1]) = [];
should be used either in the body of the function or outside of the function (where you need to define the input parameter t).