Uploading a Arbitary waveform to DS345 function generator

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am having difficulty in uploading an arbitrary waveform on to the DS345 function generator via the Instrument Control Toolbox in Matlab.
I have used the manual provided here (see page 3-8) to try to achieve this.
In the code, I generate an array of straight lines and I want to upload an arbitrary vector waveform, which means using the LDWF command. The manual suggests that I should send the 16-bit binary data followed by a checksum which is simply the sum of the data array.
The error I get is 'LOADING ERROR...' which implies that it has been waiting for 10s for the data stream and nothing has arrived. so it timeouts with the 'loading error'. Would appreciate any help/guidance possible.
The code I use is:
%% Instrument Control of DS345 Signal Generator
clear all
COMtype = 'COM4';
% Find the a serial port object
obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'serial', 'Port', COMtype , 'Tag', '');
% Create the serial port object if it does not exist
% otherwise use the object that was found.
if isempty(obj1)
obj1 = serial(COMtype);
obj1 = obj1(1);
N = 512;
Sum = 0;
number = 10;
data = zeros(number,1);
X = zeros(number,1);
Y = zeros(number,1);
obj1.OutputBufferSize = N;
checkConnection =strcat( query(obj1,'*IDN?') );
if strcmp(checkConnection,'StanfordResearchSystems,DS345,43862,1.04') ~=1
disp(['Device Connection not working... Query msg ' ...
disp(['Connection to ' checkConnection(25:29) ' established.'])
% Generating Function
for i = 1:number
X(i) = 1*i;
Y(i) = 0;
data(2*i-1) = i;
data(2*i) = 0; %8*i*(-1 + 2*(mod(i,2)));
Sum = Sum + (data(2*i-1) + data(2*i));
grid minor
checksumdata = sum(data);
data(2*number+1) = checksumdata;
% size(data)
% convert into 16-bit binary array
data = int16(data);
dataBin = dec2bin(data,16);
checkLDWF = strcat(query(obj1,['LDWF? 1,' num2str(2*number)]));
if checkLDWF =='1'
disp('Ready to Download...')
disp('sending DataBin...')

回答(1 个)

Naveen Venkata Krishnan
Hello Rashid ,
I think there might an issue while communicating with the instruments. Make sure that you have downloaded the right instrument drivers. You can use this link to download instrument driver for DS345.
If you have already downloaded one, try implementing this example to visualize the wave form in the function generator. Below are some links that might be helpful to you while working on it.


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