How to import variables to excel sheet?

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I am working on image segmentation and feature extraction. After extracting features like geometric and texture, i get them as variables.
stats,area,perimeter etc. I get around 15 variables where stats is an 12*1 struct and holds 12 values inside it(GLCM). How to import all these values to excel sheet automatically? I need to use excel sheet for image classification further. I use Matlab 2014a. Please help me in this. Thank You.


KSSV 2019-7-19
Read about xlswrite
  5 个评论
KSSV 2019-7-19
YOu are writitng only numbers to excel?
Ramanathan Anandarama Krishnan
yes i need only numbers to excel.In the above program we get direct numberical values but sometimes it comes in scientific notation also like 1.005e+01 etc for few features.


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