Use C-caller with Custom Libraries

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Hi to all,
i'm trying to use a c-caller block ( ) in order to use some custom function developed by texas for the cla section of the micro. I develop my model using the following guide : .
But as soon as, i try to use a c-caller block with some optimised functions this errore happens :
Error(s) encountered while building custom code simulation target for model 'PFC_cla'. Fix the errors in your custom code or disable 'Import custom code' if your custom code has incompatibilities.
Caused by:
  • c:\local_module\models\pfccont_br_adb_vienna_01\pfc_cla_\CLAmath.lib: member c:\local_module\models\pfccont_br_adb_vienna_01\pfc_cla_\CLAmath.lib(CLAsqrt.obj) in archive is not an object collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The problem is not the.h because i'm able to see the prototipes of the function.
The problem is that i don't have the .c files but some custom libraries so .lib.
Someone can help me please ?


Venkatesh Chilapur
Venkatesh Chilapur 2019-8-22
Please use the following model as reference.
Venkatesh C

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