Help parsing predictably messy data

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I have some really messy data that I am trying to reorganize. The attached *.txt is an example subset. The first screenshot below explains how it is organized. Every file is different (i.e., nheaders will vary, number of rows/columns in each block will vary), but there are clues as to what the shape of each data block is. The second attachment is an *.xlsx that shows the general desired format (I also have a screenshot of it below). I color-coded some of the numbers in header1 in the Excel so that it is more obvious where they come from in the original file.
I am struggling with how to get started on going from the messy (but predictably messy!) format to the clean data block. Thank you for any tips to get started. (Using Matlab R2018a.)
  2 个评论
dpb 2019-8-13
Looks pretty just read the first couple records and parse them first...
Attach the input spreadsheet itself...can't test without something to work from.
newbie9 2019-8-13
The input is attached; it's the TXT file.



dpb 2019-8-14
编辑:dpb 2019-8-15
function getdata=a1(fname)
% read file sections, return as cell array of sections for subsequent use
fid=fopen(fname,'r'); % open the file
% do error checking here
nHdr=sscanf(fgetl(fid),'%d %*s');
for i=1:nHdr
for j=1:nGrp
function [hdr, xyz, data]=scangroup(fid)
% read a specific file group of the form
% 1 header1
% 15 3 x y
% 0.6 0.2 0.2
% 1 1 15.100 0.7734 0.6247 0.9668
% 1 1 15.300 0.4880 0.3941 0.6100
% .....
% 1 1 17.900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
% read the header record and strip initial numeric -- keep all rest of
% line in case is more than just one word as in sample file
hdr=strtrim(hdr); % remove leading/trailing white space
ix=regexp(hdr,'\w*'); % find beginning words in header line
hdr=hdr(1,ix(2):end); % return complete line after leading numerics
% get the data size information
rc=sscanf(l,'%d'); % row, column dimensions
fgetl(fid); % eat \n for next pass
Above reads the file and returns each block in the hdr,xyz,data variables with the first floating point array as z (I have no idea what any of these are so creating a meaningul variable name was beyond my ken--rename to whatever make sense for the application space).
To build your rearranged file, I'd begin by opening a text file for output at the beginning and then just write sequentially to it as you go. You'll just need to repmat() the z and zyz vectors to the size of the data block before writing--where there's a possible issue I don't know the answer to is if it is possible that later on in the file there are more columns than have been previously seen--then the size will grow beyond what has been previously written. That wouldn't cause any problem on writing; it could create some difficulty in reading--altho it's possible readtable with an import options object just might be able to handle it--I've never tested that case.
That should get you going...
  1 个评论
newbie9 2019-8-15
wow, thank you @dpb, this is great. Great idea on writing the output as I go. Thanks again


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