niftiwrite changes the axis of 3D images

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
After performing some image processing in a 3D .nii format nifti image, I am using niftiwrite function to save it. But the nifti image is being saved in opposite axis like the anterior axis is being saved as posterior and vice versa, and the left to right ...
I am using itk-snap to visualize the saved image.
  6 个评论
Jacob Bunyamin
Jacob Bunyamin 2023-2-14
I tried load and re-save but it did not work. Permute and flip did not work either for me
Anand Joshi
Anand Joshi 2023-6-15
Are you using info option when you use niftiwrite?You can get it using niftiinfo and then use it for niftiwrite.


回答(1 个)

Anmol Dhiman
Anmol Dhiman 2019-8-28
  2 个评论
Charly Girot
Charly Girot 2021-3-3
Thanks for the tool but this does not answer the issue he was referring to
Zahra 2023-3-10
I have exactly the same problem. I would be grateful if someone finds a solution to this problem share it with me.



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