How to I ensure that a triggered subsystem is run after the supersystem in Simulink?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have Simulink system that is connceted to a If Action Subsystem wiht two inputs and an AND condition for the IF block. The goal is to give the subsystem initial conditions from the supersystem, which are labeled with "qp". The supersystem should stop running after the first time the If Action Subsystem was triggered. The Subsystem however should be running for another 100 iterations and then output its results to the supersystem where it is displayed by a Scope block.
So far I managed to initialize the Super and Subsystem, but I couldnt manage to run the two system one after another rather than simultaniously as described above.
I would be very grateful for any help!!
Screenshot from 2019-09-03 18-34-54.png


Raj 2019-9-4

更多回答(1 个)

ariel bintang
ariel bintang 2019-11-4
编辑:ariel bintang 2019-11-4
Hi I have a question about your system; so you apply an initial condition through <qp> right? So inside your subsystem there you have another if/else block that is like "if the if statement is true then use In3 input but else apply <qp>"?


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