Plot is pixelated, graphics smoothing and opengl not helping

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to plot a figure and all of the lines are pixelated. I found the example on graphics smoothing here:
>> set(gcf,'GraphicsSmoothing','on')
did not change the lines at all, they were still pixelated. I have also tried
>> opengl software
to no avail. Ideas?

回答(1 个)

Saket Chirania
Saket Chirania 2020-6-9
Hi Angela,
Software OpenGL does not support some graphics features, such as graphics smoothing. In some cases, MATLAB automatically switches to software OpenGL, for example, if it detects known issues such as outdated drivers or graphics virtualization. You can try updating your graphics driver which might help to resolve to such issues.
If you saved a setting to always start MATLAB with software OpenGL, then after updating your drivers, you can revert that setting by executing
Then restart MATLAB.


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