Question about using 'load' to load an .m file

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm currently trying to use the load command to pull data from an existing .m file I've downloaded from the internet, but the .m file is coming in as a [0x0] vector, and it shouldn't be.
I'm getting the message
"Attempted to access sampleDataFlow(:,1); index out of bounds because size(sampleDataFlow)=[0,0]."
when I attempt to define a variable to column 1. Any idea why this would be happening?

回答(3 个)

Ryan G
Ryan G 2012-9-14
Although you can use the load command with an m-file, in my humble opinion, this would not be the ideal way to transfer data nor read data.
My suggestion would be to utilize the Import Tool available in the Home tab (R2012b). It's available in other versions but I like to be forward thinking.
This will allow you to utilize a GUI for the first time you import making it easy to determine if the data was imported correctly and easy to change the import method to achieve desired results. Once you're established the correct method you will be able to automatically generate a script or function to do it again and again.
The link above describes it better than I ever could.
  9 个评论
Ryan G
Ryan G 2012-9-14
I would verify that hte data exists in the downloaded file. It sounds like the issue is coming up between downloading the file and the file that exists locally
Robert 2012-9-14
That's also what I think. I'm not sure what the issue would be. I'm using "save target as..." to do the download, and it hasn't ever failed me before, so I'm not sure what's going wrong. Frustrating.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-9-14
Try using the -ascii option when you load()

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2012-9-14
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek 2012-9-14
you can get your data like you import any text file
fid = fopen('file.m');
line1 = fgetl(fid)
while ischar(line1)
line1 = fgetl(fid);
res =char(res,line1)


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