Checking of equality for two matrices

224 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I have trouble coming out the code to find the equality of two matrices. I have to test and display that the matrices are equal. I am trying to include 'if' statement in as well.
Here is the question:
Calculate AxB and BxA and test if AB = BA.
  5 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2019-10-8
An advantage of using isequal(A,B) over A==B is that if A and B are different sizes (e.g. 4x4 vs. 3x3), then A==B will throw an error because of the dimension mismatch, but isequal will return a result.
This may not be important in your specific case, but could be in general.
the cyclist
the cyclist 2019-10-8
Also, I think you mean to check isequal(A*B,B*A), not just isequal(A,B).
Be aware of the accuracy of floating-point numbers for exact equality check.


回答(1 个)

Rik 2019-10-8
The difference between the isequal function and the == operator is that the second will work element by element. That means that isequal will tell you if two matrices are the exact same, while == will test all elements individually.
One golden tip: always make sure your input to if or while is a scalar, not a logical array. Array input tend to do something different from what you might mean.


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