How do I label the scatter colorbar with month and day

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I wanted to color my scatter plot by date. I was able to do that with the code below but I want to me able to discrimate between dates better than just the month labels. Can I force the colorbar labels to be Month and Date? The code I am using does this fine if I plot the scatter plots by themselves but not as part of another figure. (maybe it is a size issue). This is how I am plotting now (see figures attached):
ax(3) = subplot(2,2,4)
% plot(b_range(k1+3:k2),Bmean3637(k1:k2-3),'.','color','k','markersize',15)
xlabel('Daily pH Range (1 mab)')
ylabel('BEUTI (3-day lag)')
h = colorbar; datetick(h,'y','keeplimits');

回答(1 个)

Divija Aleti
Divija Aleti 2020-8-27
I understand that you want to label the colorbar with month and day, even if it is plotted as a subplot.
Generally, when the size of a figure changes, labels get squeezed as an expected behaviour. Kindly have a look at this possible workaround/solution.
b_range = (8.1-7.75)*rand(82,1)+7.75;
Bmean3637 = 25*rand(82,1)-5;
ax(3) = subplot(2,2,4);
xlabel('Daily pH Range (1 mab)')
ylabel('BEUTI (3-day lag)')
labels = {'07/08','07/15','07/22','07/29','08/05','08/12','08/19','08/26','09/02','09/09','09/16','09/23','09/30','10/07'}; %explicitly indicate the labels
h = colorbar('Ticks',1:14,'TickLabels',labels,'limits',[1 14]);


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