Saving the values into a mat file error

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hy Guys. I hope you all are well. I have an urgent question as I am working on a big project. I am having an error in a code and I just want to fix this small error. I am saving the values into a mat file with my GUI and then uploading the values back by clicking on the save and upload button respectively.
However, I want my edit text boxes to write only letters and not alphabets. So, I entered an additional code where I make the letters read only and output Enter a number if an alphabet is written. However, my code shown above is not working for saving the values as it is giving me the errors:
cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in GUI_ParametersFinal>edit_TemperatureValue_Callback (line 187)
evalstring = sprintf('handles.mystructdata.%s.string = ''%s''',tagname,str{1});
This is my complete code:
function edit_TemperatureValue_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to edit_TemperatureValue (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_TemperatureValue as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_TemperatureValue as a double
evalstring = sprintf('handles.mystructdata.%s.string = ''%s''',tagname,str{1});
For saving pushbutton, my code is
data = handles.mystructdata;
It will be so nice if someone can help :) Thank you so much.


Stephen23 2019-10-16
编辑:Stephen23 2019-10-16
Rather than this indirect, complex, buggy, obfuscated, strongly inadvisable code:
evalstring = sprintf('handles.mystructdata.%s.string = ''%s''',tagname,str{1});
just use simpler, neater, efficient, and much better dynamic fieldnames:
handles.mystructdata.(tagname).string = str{1};
"cell contents reference from a non-cell array object."
Clearly str is not a cell array, so your indexing will throw an error. It is worth noting that some GUI objects (e.g. some uicontrol types) can support the String property as either a character vector or cell array of character vectors: it is up to you to ensure/check this in the code. You might just need:
handles.mystructdata.(tagname).string = str;
or you could do something fancy like this:
if iscellstr(str)
handles.mystructdata.(tagname).string = str{1};
handles.mystructdata.(tagname).string = str;
  1 个评论
MHS 2019-10-16
Thank you so much for assistance. Yes, I got it. I will come back to you if I have any more problems :)


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