fitting line for the first part of the graph

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I have the following experimental data
I am plotting Y(x)
The first part of this plot can be fitted using a line. Any suggestions how to do this.
Thanks in advance for your help.


Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra 2019-10-22
编辑:Joe Vinciguerra 2019-10-22
% let's say you want to fit the first 10 elements
ROI = (1:10);
% I'm just sorting your data by X so it plots from left to right.
% This isn't necessary but satisfies my OCD.
A = sortrows([x y],1);
x = A(:,1);
y = A(:,2);
% Extract your region of interest.
xROI = x(ROI);
yROI = y(ROI);
% perform a linear fit using a polynomial of 1 degree.
[p, S] = polyfit(xROI,yROI,1); % p are your coefficients. S is your error (if you are interested)
fitROI = polyval(p,xROI); % now take the fit and evaluate it at x values of interest
% Let's see what it looks like
figure; hold on; % create a figure and don't overwrite it
plot(x,y,'b') % plot your original data in blue
plot(xROI,yROI,'g') % plot your region of interest in green
plot(xROI,fitROI,'r') % plot to fitted line in red
  3 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-10-23
Note that this approach arbitrarily chooses what section of the line to fit. Instead, you could use a method that finds where the slope changes significantly. That's the approach in the other answer here.
Mohammed Qahosh
Mohammed Qahosh 2019-10-23
Adam Danz Yes, actually I hope two ways now. Thank you both for your help :))


更多回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-10-22
You can use ischange() with the linear method to find the point where the slope changes.
This requires that the x values are in ascending order which is why we're soring them below. See comments for details.
% Sort x and y values so that x are in ascending order
[xSort, xIdx] = sort(x);
ySort = y(xIdx);
% find linear change point
chgPoint = find(ischange(ySort,'linear','MaxNumChanges',1,'SamplePoints',xSort));
% Fit line segment prior to change point
coef = polyfit(xSort(1:chgPoint),ySort(1:chgPoint),1);
% Plot results
plot(xSort,ySort, 'k-')
hold on
legend({'data','ChangePoint','lin fit'})
title(sprintf('y = %.1fx + %.1f', coef))
191022 170111-Figure 1.png
  6 个评论
Moses Njovana
Moses Njovana 2023-7-4
Quick one @Adam Danz. Please kindly advise if there's a way to limit the refline line plot to a certain region of the graph?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2023-7-5
Refline extends to the current axes limits so you could temporarily set xlim and ylim, call refline and then return the original xlim and ylim values. However, a better approach would simply be to compute the two end points at the specified bounds and plot the line using plot().


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