Exit code

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Muhammad Arsalan
Muhammad Arsalan 2011-4-6
Can anyone help me with following:
cntr1 and cntr2 are 2 counter.
I want something like
if cntr1 == cntr2
exit the code (here i need help how to exit?)
Thanks in advance for help.
Kind regards. \\ Arsalan


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-6
Why are you exiting the code before you present the Error box?
Why are you using msgbox() instead of errordlg() ?
Do you want Matlab as a whole to EXIT, or do you want to RETURN to whatever routine might have called the present one, or do you want to create an ERROR condition that throws the program back to the command prompt unless something CATCHes the error?
  1 个评论
Muhammad Arsalan
Muhammad Arsalan 2011-4-6
I just want to stop MATLAB from running the code if that condition is true. So i have tried "return" and it seems to work well.
if cntr1 == cntr2
Thanks a lot for quick reply.
Best Reards, Arsalan


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