Convert Milliseconds to Clock time from excel file

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello! I am hoping to understand how to convert milliseconds to the format hh:mm:ss.SS
Ie I have the value 1063987 milliseconds and want to convert it to hh:mm:ss.SS time format
Furthermore, I have all the values in an excel file and would like the values pulled from there. Otherwise, if possible an inital line where we could specify teh value of variable (ie x = 1063987, and then have x be throughout the remaining code)
thank you for any insight into this!

回答(1 个)

Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs 2019-11-1
Let X be the time in miliseconds.
Xs = X/1000; % the total time in seconds
Hour = floor(Xs/3600) ; % The number of hours in x
Min = floor((Xs - Hour*3600) / 60); % the number of minutes
Sec = Xs - Hour*3600 - Min*60; % the number of seconds
  1 个评论
Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs 2019-11-1
Make it a function:
function [Hour, Min, Sec] = mstoHMS(X)
Xs = X/1000;
Hour = floor(Xs/3600);
Min = floor((Xs - Hour*3600)/60);
Sec = Xs - Hour*3600 - Min*60;
You could also add Days to the function:
function [Day, Hour, Min, Sec] = mstoDHMS(X)
Xs = X/1000;
Day = floor(Xs/86400);
Hour = floor((Xs - Day*16400)/3600);
Min = floor((Xs - Day*86400 - Hour*3600)/60);
Sec = Xs - Day*86400 - Hour*3600 - Min*60;



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