Numerical Methods - Broyden's Method. Error: Not enough input arguments

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Here is the code for broyden's method (found online):
function [xv,it]=broyden(x,f,n,tol)
% Broyden's method for solving a system of n non-linear equations
% in n variables.
% Example call: [xv,it]=broyden(x,f,n,tol)
% Requires an initial approximation column vector x. tol is required
% accuracy. User must define function f, for example see page 115.
% xv is the solution vector, parameter it is number of iterations
% taken. WARNING. Method may fail, for example, if initial estimates
% are poor.
fr=zeros(n,1); it=0; xv=x;
%Set initial Br
fr=feval(f, xv);
while norm(fr)>tol
xv1=xv+tau*pr; xv=xv1;
oldfr=fr; fr=feval(f,xv);
%Update approximation to Jacobian using Broydens formula
y=fr-oldfr; oldBr=Br;
oyp=oldBr*y-pr; pB=pr'*oldBr;
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
How I am calling it:
x0 = [-0.5 1.4];
f = @(x,y) [(x+3)*(y^3-7)+18; sin(y*exp(x)-1)];
[xv, it] = broyden(x0, f, 15, 1e-9);
From this, I get the error:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in hw10>@(x,y)[(x+3)*(y^3-7)+18;sin(y*exp(x)-1)]
Error in hw10>broyden (line 55)
fr=feval(f, xv);
Error in hw10 (line 9)
[xv, it] = broyden(x0, f, 15, 1e-9);
I am not sure what the issue is here. The code stated that it worked for n x n non linear system. What am I missing here?
Thank you!


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-11-14
f = @(x,y) [(x+3)*(y^3-7)+18; sin(y*exp(x)-1)];
That is a function that needs two separate parameters. You are instead passing it a single vector. You need to add
f2 = @(x) f(x(1), x(2))
And pass that instead of f

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