Generating Powerpoint presentation with MATLAB: how can I send an image back if it overlaps with the slide title?

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Hi everyone,
I'm working on a script to generate a PowerPoint presentation. In the resulting PowerPoint file, each slide contains just an image (the figure) and a title (the figure name).
The problem with the slides I generate is that the picture overlaps the title.
In PowerPoint I can just right click the figure and select the "send to back" option, but how can I do this operation using the powershell commands?
My code is
%Get all open figures handles
figHandles = flipud(findall(groot,'Type','figure'));
for NumFig = 1:length(figHandles)
%Recall each figure
titletext = figHandles(NumFig).Name;
% Capture current figure/model into clipboard:
print -dmeta
% Get current number of slides:
slide_count = get(op.Slides,'Count');
% Add a new slide (with title object):
slide_count = int32(double(slide_count)+1);
new_slide = invoke(op.Slides,'Add',slide_count,11);
% Insert text into the title object:
% Get height and width of slide:
slide_H = op.PageSetup.SlideHeight;
slide_W = op.PageSetup.SlideWidth;
% Paste the contents of the Clipboard:
pic1 = invoke(new_slide.Shapes,'Paste');
% Get height and width of picture:
pic_H = get(pic1,'Height');
pic_W = get(pic1,'Width');
% Center picture on page (below title area):
set(pic1,'Left',single((double(slide_W) - double(pic_W))/2));
set(pic1,'Top',single(double(slide_H) - double(pic_H)));

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