Display comma as decimal digits separator in simple 2D plots

20 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is it possible in a simple 2D plot display numbers with comma as decimal digits separator instead of the dot?
Maybe is there a label to add in the xtickformat command?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-11-15
No, the only way to do that is to build a TickLabels cell array of character vectors, or string object array, containing the characters you want to be displayed.
  3 个评论
Karsten Opel
Karsten Opel 2021-12-22
This works fine, but be aware of a possible pitfall: If you resize your figure causing a change in the number of ticks, the tick labelling will not reflect these changes correctly.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-12-23
@Karsten Opel is correct: the above code changing the XTickLabels property needs to be done each time the number or position of ticks is changed. If you are working with tradtional figures, this might involve using a SizeChangedFcn (or ResizeFcn) callback at the figure or uipanel level; unfortunately there is no similar callback at the axes level.
To work at the axes level, you might need to do something like add a listener for PostSet on the XTicks property -- or perhaps on the XRuler Ticks property.


更多回答(2 个)

Roofus Milton
Roofus Milton 2019-11-15
This is possible by calling the .NET Framework string formatting functions. Without getting into a discussion of Cultures in the Framework, I have provided a simple function which provides the format.
NumberFormatMatlabAnswers([1000:1010]', 4, 'decimalSeparator', ',', 'numberGroupSeparator', '.')
function output = NumberFormatMatlabAnswers(nums, varargin)
% initialize the inputParser
ip = inputParser;
% add function parameters to inputParser
addRequired(ip, 'nums');
addOptional(ip, 'decimals', 2);
addParameter(ip, 'decimalSeparator', '.');
addParameter(ip, 'numberGroupSeparator', ',');
% validate the parameters
parse(ip, nums, varargin{:});
% create the .NET object to store format specifics
numFormatInfo = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
% pass the custom format specifics to their respective object properties
numFormatInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator = ip.Results.decimalSeparator;
numFormatInfo.NumberGroupSeparator = ip.Results.numberGroupSeparator;
% initialize the output cell array
output = cell(length(ip.Results.nums), 1);
% create the format string for .NET
formatString = strcat('{0:N', num2str(ip.Results.decimals), '}');
for p = 1:length(ip.Results.nums)
% get the formatted string from .NET
output{p} = char(System.String.Format(numFormatInfo, formatString, ip.Results.nums(p)));
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-11-15
And you would then have to pass output as the appropriate tick labels -- the above does not change how axes tick labels are constructed.


Elia Sironi
Elia Sironi 2019-11-15
Thank you to both of you. Walter's suggestion does exactly what I was searching!


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