Once you have generated the code using Simulink coder/Embedded coder in C, you can make use of the “model_initialize”, “model_step”, and “model_terminate” functions associated with your model. Before doing so, ensure that you include the relevant header files of the model in your application’s C code.
You can directly access the input and output variable after adding header files.
Please refer pseudo code for better understanding, (Update application code according to it)
#include "model.h" // Include generated header
int main() {
model_initialize(); // Initialize model
while (running) {
// Set inputs
model_U.input1 = getInputFromDatabase();
model_step(); // Execute model step
// Get outputs
double output = model_Y.output1;
model_terminate(); // Terminate model
return 0;
For accessing a database in “C”, please refer to the relevant database documentation for connection details.
I have attached sample code for connecting to a MySQL database to provide a clearer understanding.
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
void connectToDatabase() {
MYSQL *conn;
conn = mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_real_connect(conn, "host", "user", "password", "database", 0, NULL, 0);
// Perform queries and handle data
For more information on Embedded Coder refer following MathWorks Documentation
For more information on Simulink Coder refer following MathWorks Documentation
I hope this will be helpful.