Simulink Hardware Tab Missing

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I installed the 'Embedded Coder Support Pack for PX4 Autopilot'. At the last step MATLAB varified that hardware was working well and I got acceleration data from the board. Then I tried to do the examples given in While following the steps in the first example, I realized that there was no Hardware Tab (or any other tab) in Simulink. I searched all the menus (View, Display,...) but I couldn't find how to open the Hardware Tab. I am using 2019a. Could you please help me to solve this problem.


Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala 2020-1-3
The link you are referring to, is from MATLAB 2019b documentation. It’s because when you search for MATLAB documentation, by default it opens the documentation of recent release. The Hardware tab is present in MATLAB 2019b version.
  1 个评论
Zafer Oznalbant
Zafer Oznalbant 2020-1-17
Thank you Chidvi. I really frustrated. I could uploaded PX4 with 2019a. It is working now. Thank you again.


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