Classical Adaptive Cruise Control gain calculations

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to form a classical adaptive cruise control and I wanted to ask if somebody can explain how to find the exact values of the gains "Verr_gain", " xerr_gain" and " vx_gain" shown in the classical adaptive control in this link "" . I would highly appreciate the help.

回答(1 个)

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta 2019-12-3
I am assuming you have loaded all the models mentioned in the full example before loading the specific model as ACCTestBenchExample contains all the models. While loading ACCTestBenchExample you may see that in the MATLAB Workspace all the variables are loaded So, you can find out the value of mentioned variables there in the workspace. Closing this example will clear the workspace so you may want to let it open while retrieving the values.
Also, if you want to edit the variables you may edit the setup script that can be accessed by clicking on the same name gui button in ACCTestBenchExample.
  3 个评论
Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta 2019-12-3
As per my understanding these values are hyperparameters to be set in the setup script based on the properties of ego vehicle. These value may only be derivable by the physical equations.
Danial Waleed
Danial Waleed 2019-12-3
Do you have any technical soure or proceddings that show how these values are calculated ?



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