Function: plotAssetHist undefined

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
To do a CVaR Portfolio Optimization I want to create histograms of the asset returns of some of the assets in my dataset.
The instructions on Mathworks (link to example) tell me to do this with the function plotAssetHist. However, when I type the command into my command window it tells me that the function is undefined.
Does someone know what could cause this problem? I have installed all the necessary toolboxes.
Thanks in advance and regards,
[SL: converted text of link into a link]


Kavya Vuriti
Kavya Vuriti 2019-12-2
编辑:Kavya Vuriti 2019-12-2
I think supporting function named 'plotAssetHist' is missing.Try using the suppoting function given in the link.
  3 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023-5-2
Scroll down in the example (linked in the original question) to the Supporting Functions section. The plotAssetHist helper function is one of the supporting functions defined in that section. You would need to copy that helper's code into a function file or a local function in a script / function / class file to be able to use it outside that example.


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