circle with three points

37 次查看(过去 30 天)
CaiX 2019-12-1
Im writing a program that accepts three points (?, ?) on a circle in a 2- dimensional Cartesian plane as input and returns the center, radius, and vectors ABC from the general equation of a circle ?^2 + ?^2 + A? + B? + C = 0. I know that one can systems of linear equations to solve for ABC however, I don't know how to do it. I started with the program below:
x1 = input('\nEnter first X coordinate: ');
y1 = input('\nEnter first Y coordinate: ');
x2 = input('\nEnter second X coordinate: ');
y2 = input('\nEnter second Y coordinate: ');
x3 = input('\nEnter third X coordinate: ');
y3 = input('\nEnter third Y coordinate: ');
eq1 = x1D + y1E + F == -(x1*2)+(y1*2);
eq2 = x2D + y2E + F == -(x2*2)+(y2*2);
eq3 = x3D + y3E + F == -(x3*2)+(y3*2);
I'd appreciate any help and suggestion. Thank you very much :)

回答(2 个)

Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs 2019-12-1

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-12-1


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